Sky blue bathroom tiles 2022

What color is the most popular in the bathroom? If you think it’s white, you are wrong! It is blue! No surprise here as blue is the color of water and see which is the perfect association for a bathroom. But there are so many shades of blue in the world that it’s easy to get lost. If you are not sure what shade of blue to choose we have some recommendations for you.

First of all, it depends on the size of your bathroom: if it is small or medium size then your friends are lighter shades. But if it is big lighter shades of blue will also fit perfectly. Think about sky blue – it is the closest color associated with waves and ocean. It is warm, it is beautiful and it is advantageous in terms of color combinations.

So, if you want to see light-blue on the walls or on the floor of your bathroom pick up the sky blue bathroom tiles and immerse yourself in a perfect atmosphere of sea life. Our photo ideas below will help you get inspired and start your path to a perfect blue bathroom. Meet our new collection, the Year 2022:





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Blue toilet



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