Hexagon tiles look equally beautiful both on the floor and on the walls. And it doesn’t matter if you have a traditional bathroom with a bathtub or a modern variant with a standing shower booth. Hexagon tile has six angles and is laid next to each other creating an interesting and tidy pattern.
It gives your bathroom a clear and accurate feel of a space where everything is in its own place. When choosing a color many people prefer black and white – and for a reason. Coupled with the hexagon form of the tile these colors look the best and help make your bathroom even smarter and neater.
Look at the ideas we offer you on the photos below and decide for yourself – is black and white hexagon bathroom tile good enough for you or not? We’re guessing you will decide in favor of it. Here is our new collection, the Year 2022.
Black and white hexagon tiles look really fantastic, don’t they? Great examples in the pictures, especially the ones where ornamental tiles are both on the floor and on the walls.
The idea of hexagon tiles in the colours that are antipodes to each other is really gorgeous. It will produce in your bathroom truly an aristocratic atmosphere, what means that anybody can feel themselves like a king. The combination of white and black is classic and of current interest in any times. Also the possibility of creation of new pattern in your own bathroom is very attractive.
In my opinion hexagon tile helps to make the space of you room wider. Maybe black and white colours are a little bit agressive, but it is really stylishly. Undoubtedly, I will use this pattern if i renovate my bathroom!
It is such a stylish and comfortable place, with its colours and accents. Hexagon tile looks classic and modern together, it can be popular at all times! You can also make the ornament with some colourful details.